iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
This Help screen walks you through the steps to set up the MyBilledTime™ app and to use it for time entry.
Set Up
You can start using this application immediately after purchase using the default settings and adding clients & matters as you go along via the “Time Entry” section. However, we recommend first going to the Settings screen and personalizing the application for a better experience. In the Settings screen you can specify:
>Client names
>Your billing rate for each client
>Client matter name and number
>Your initials
>Your billing Time Interval (select one)
>The format used to send your time entries (plain text in an email or as CSV formatted file).
>The email addresses where you will send your time entries
>Abbreviations for terms commonly used in your time entries
>The start date of your financial year
>How long time entries will be stored
>The daily time threshold for which a notification is triggered at the end of the week, letting you know that you might have time missing for that week
Managing Clients.
You can add, modify or remove clients in Settings.
Add clients:
Edit clients:
Delete clients
Entering Matter Numbers.
After you have entered a client name, you can enter, update and delete matter names and numbers for that client, also from the Settings section.
Add matters:
Edit matters:
Delete matters:
Setting the Time Interval.
Billing professionals bill using different time intervals. Some attorneys’ bill in increments of six minutes while others bill in other time increments, such as five, ten or fifteen minutes. This app lets you select the time interval that you use for client billing. The time interval is set in Settings.
Setting the Email Addresses.
All of your time entries can be sent to be entered into your time and billing system using an email address. Email addresses are set in Settings.
Entering Timekeeper Initials.
Many time and billing systems require the timekeeper’s initials. If your time and billing system requires this information, you will need to enter your initials in the app. Timekeeper initials are entered in Settings.
Entering Abbreviations.
To get the maximum benefit from the app, you should make extensive use of abbreviations. Abbreviations help you to complete time entries more quickly and accurately by using abbreviations for names, words and phrases that you use frequently when entering your time. Abbreviations are created in Settings.
Sending CSV Report.
The app can send your time entries for entry into your time and billing system either as a formatted email, to be cut and pasted into your time and billing system by a data entry assistant, or as a CSV export capable of being read by a computer program that will automatically transfer your time entry into your time and billing system. If you choose to export as a CSV file, your time and billing system vendor will need to create an import program to import the CSV files into your time and billing system.
To select whether to send as a formatted email or as a CSV export, go to the “Send as CSV export” bar on the Settings screen. Select “Yes” if you want to send your time entries in a CSV export file. Select “No” if you want to send your time entries in a formatted email.
The App can remind you to enter time if you failed to enter the number of hours on a workday that you set as a minimum.
Manage Tasks.
The app makes time entry faster, more consistent and accurate by using predefined, commonly used tasks, which appear in a list from which the timekeeper selects to begin a time entry description. In addition to the lists of tasks that come with the app, the user can enter additional tasks, tailored for the timekeeper’s particular practice. Additional tasks can be entered to the Task Lists in Settings.
Setting Your Financial Year Start.
The App tracks how much time you have entered in the app and the value of that time. You can set the start date of your firm’s fiscal year in Settings. Tap “Financial Year Start.” A calendar will appear. Select the start date of your firm’s fiscal year and tap “Done”.
You will be able to review your hours billed to date and the time value of those hours in the Reports, described below.
Time Entries Retention.
The app will retain all of the time entries that you enter for one year or longer. You can set the amount of time that your time entry records will be kept in Settings. Tap “Time Entries Retention” and the “Retention” screen will appear. You must select one of the two choices: select “After one year”, if you want the app to delete your time records on the one year anniversary of when you began using the app. Select “never” if you want the app to continue to retain your time keeping records after one year.
Using the Add Time Entry Screen.
Time entries are made using the Add Time Entries screen. After you have completed set up, you are ready to enter your time. On the Add Time Entries screen you will enter the date of your time entry, the client and matter, a description of the task(s) and the time it took to perform the task(s).
To go to the “Add Time Entries” screen tap the “+” sign in the upper right hand corner of the “Time Entries” screen.
1. To select the date, tap the “Date” bar, and a screen will appear which lists months, days and years. Select the month, day and year for which you are entering time and tap “Done”. This will set the date and return you to the Add Time Entry Screen.
2. To select a client, tap the “Choose a client” bar. A screen will appear with a list of your clients in alphabetical order. Scroll to the name of the client who you are billing and tap the bar with the Client’s name. This will select the client and return you to the Add Time Entries screen.
3. To select a Matter, tap the “Matter” bar. The Matters List screen will appear. Tap the bar with the applicable matter name for your time entry and the matter name will be inserted in the Add Time Entries screen.
4. To insert a billing task in the Description box, such as “prepared motion”, first select a Category and then a Task. The task will automatically be inserted into the Description box. My Billed Time™ includes more than 75 standard billing task descriptions, which are organized by category to help you navigate more quickly to the billing task that you need for your time entry. In addition, it allows you to add your own customized billing tasks. The only purpose of Categories is to help you to navigate more quickly to the task that you want to include in your time entry in the Description box.
The default Category on the Add Time Entries screen is set for “My Tasks”. This is a list of tasks that you use most frequently; it contains all the custom tasks that you added yourself, plus all those that you marked as such under the “My Tasks” section in Settings. If you want to select a task from My Tasks then move down to the next bar on the Add Time Entries screen, called “Task” and tap that bar. A screen called “Tasks List” will appear. The tasks that you created in Settings will appear in alphabetical order. Simply select the task that you want to appear in your time entry description and the app will insert the task into the Description box.
If you want to use a Category with predefined Tasks, rather than the “My Tasks” Category, then tap the Category bar on the Add Time Entries screen. A list of the following categories will appear: Custom, Discovery, General, and Trial/Hearing. You then must select one of those categories. Your selection will determine which billing tasks appear when you activate the Task bar. For example, if you select “General” from the list of Categories, and then tap the Task bar, a list of tasks under the General category will appear that appear only for the "General" category. Each category has its own list of tasks. The categories simply guide you to the appropriate list of billing tasks needed to prepare your time entry. Category names, therefore, do not appear in the Description box, which is where your time entry is created to populate your formatted time entry email. As you use the app, you will quickly learn which categories contain which tasks, and will be able to navigate quickly to the task that you want to use in your time entry.
After tapping the Task bar, scroll through the tasks and select the task that you want to use. The selected task then will appear in the Description box. For example, if you select "Conference with" as your task, those words will appear in the Description box when you select that task. Then tap the space after the words “conference with” and your cursor will appear there in the Description box. A keyboard will appear, enabling you to type in text, such as an abbreviation or persons name. If you type in an abbreviation, such as “zds”, as an abbreviation for “David Smith”, then when you tap outside of the Description box the app will convert the abbreviation to “David Smith” for you.
After making that entry, you can add another entry in the same description by scrolling back to the task bar, and selecting another task. For example, after entering "Conference with David Smith", return to the task bar and select "telephone conference with". The app will insert the words "telephone conference with". Then type in the name of the person with whom you had the telephone conference or use an abbreviation. You can continue making entries like this in the Description box and then enter the time you spent on all of the tasks (block billing), or you can detail bill, entering only one task per time entry, whichever you prefer.
When you are finished with your time entry description, tap “Done.”
5. The last step to prepare a time entry is to enter your time. Tap the “enter your time” bar on the Add Time Entries screen and a screen will appear with hours shown on the left column and minutes, in the time intervals you created in Settings, shown on the right. Select the hours and minutes and tap “Done”. This will enter your time in hours and minutes and return you to the Add Time Entries screen.
After you have inserted the billing date, client name, matter, description and time, tap “Done” in the upper right hand corner of the Add Time Entries screen. If you don’t want to use the time entry, you can clear it by tapping “cancel” in the upper left hand corner of the Add Time Entries screen. If you have not entered all of the required data (Date, Client, Matter, Description and Time), the app will give you a message stating that your time entry is incomplete and it will not create a draft email. If you have entered all of the required data, then when you tap done, the app will take you to the Time Entries screen where you will see your time entry under the date you selected. Each of your time entries will appear in a list under the date you selected.
To transmit your time entries to your designated email addresses from the Time Entries screen, simply select “Export” in the upper left hand corner of the Time Entries screen. Then tap each time entry that you want to transmit to your designated email addresses. A check mark will appear to the right of each time entry that you selected. Then tap “Send” in the upper left hand corner of the Time Entries screen.
This opens your device’s email application, where your selected time entries will appear, either as a CSV file attachment, if that is what you chose in Settings, or as formatted time entries. Simply tap “Send” and your time entries will be sent to the recipients who you selected in Settings.
If you selected CSV in Settings, then your time entries can be imported to your firms Time and Billing system through an import program that can be created by your Time and Billing system’s vendor. If you selected the Email option, then the email recipient can quickly cut and paste your formatted time entries into your time and billing system.
To delete a time entry from the list, swipe on it from right to left; a red “Delete” button will be displayed. Just tap it and the entry will be removed.
By turning your mobile device to a horizontal position, the app will display charts and reports of your time entries. An icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen is used to toggle between charts and reports. If the icon which appears is a pie chart symbol, then when you tap that icon you will be able to view the following three charts: “Hours Billed”, “Amount Billed” and “Billable Time per Client.” You can switch between the three by swiping to the left or to the right on the chart.
“Hours Billed” is a bar chart showing the number of hours billed each day, “Amount Billed” is also a bar chart, showing the dollar value of the time you entered each day, and the “Billable Time by Client” is a pie chart, showing the percentage of time billed by client. These charts help you to quickly see if you failed to enter time on a particular day or for a particular client. These reports can be seen in a “weekly view” or a “monthly view” using the icon in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
If the icon in the bottom right corner is a small document symbol, then when you tap that icon you will be able to view a report that lists all of your time entries by client in alphabetical order, and displays for each client the number of hours billed by week and by month. This report also shows the dollar value of your time entries by client, viewed weekly or monthly. This report also shows the number of hours you have billed using the app year to date and the value of that time, using the hourly rate you entered in Settings. This data is shown at the bottom of the report.
Both the charts and the report can be viewed weekly or monthly by toggling using the icon in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. To navigate to the previous / next week or month use the left / right arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen.
To exit the Reports section of the App just change your device’s orientation to portrait.
If you have any questions you can email us at